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10 Movies for 10 Days

Boom! No school for the next 4 weeks!

Suddenly, I have hours of free time at home. It seems like the perfect time to catch up on a mix of movies I’ve been meaning to see forever, classic movies, and obscure movies from the “1001 Movies to See Before You Die” list.

For my first ever blog post here, I thought I’d share a list of 10 movies I plan to watch over the next 10 days. They’re all available on Netflix or Amazon Prime. Enjoy!

1. Rushmore (1998)

The Grand Budapest Hotel is one of my top 5 movies of all time, so this indie classic stood out to me. As the film that launched Wes Anderson’s directorial career, I’m excited to see how the style in this film compares to later, bigger budget productions..

2. There Will Be Blood (2007)

I’ve heard so many great things about this movie that I feel obliged to watch it. The Master was an incredible film, and I’m excited to dive deeper into Paul Thomas Anderson’s filmography. Also, I have a soft spot for historical dramas like this…

3. Goodfellas (1990)

It’s almost a crime that I haven’t seen this yet. Mob movies aren’t my favorite, although The Godfather is incredible. Scorsese’s latest entry into the genre The Irishman fell a little flat for me, but any Scorsese film is worth watching, especially when it’s Goodfellas.

4. Ran (1985)

Just looking at frames of this movie is amazing. The sheer scale of the production and attention to detail with set and costume design is impeccable. Kurosawa’s birthday was yesterday, so it feels fitting to sit down and watch one of his many classics.

5. Blade Runner (1982)

One of my biggest regrets is watching Blade Runner 2049 on a phone screen. It absolutely didn’t do the stunning visuals, subtle performances, and flawless cinematography justice. I’m excited to watch the original, this time on a bigger screen.

6. Jaws (1975)

There’s a special charm about Spielberg movies, from the childlike innocence of E.T. and The Goonies to the riveting adventures of Jurassic Park and Indiana Jones. Jaws is an iconic piece of American culture, and I can’t wait to watch it for the first time.

7. La Charme Discret De La Bourgeuoise (1972)

I found this movie by flipping to a random page in the book “1001 Movies to See Before You Die.” It seems interesting, but I’m pretty much going in blind. Fantastique!

8. Spirited Away (2001)

This is the only movie on the list that I’ve seen before. I remember reluctantly sitting down to watch this in elementary school, and becoming entranced by Miyazaki’s unique visual style. I barely remember the story, so it seems like a good time to revisit this animated masterpiece.

9. Barry Lyndon (1975)

You can’t find a “Best Shots of All Time” compilation on YouTube without clips from this film. Purely for the cinematography, I’d be thrilled to watch this. What makes it even better is that it’s a classic from arguably the best director of all time.

10. Dr. Strangelove (1964)

Another Kubrick film to finish off the list. With how serious the world seems right now, it’ll be fun to laugh a little at this classic comedy.


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